Dedicated to the promotion of fly fishing and conservation.

Official Web Site

The South Jersey Fly Fishers is a unique
organization incorporated in May of 1992 to promote the sport of fly fishing for all species of fish, to conserve our natural resources and promote water safety, fishing etiquette and sportsmanship. The membership has been open to all individuals who share this mission and purpose and the desire to have fun learning in the process.

The Club meets the 3rd Thursday of each month as a guest of the Salem County Sportsman's Club located on Rt. 40 approximately two miles east of the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and guests are welcome.

               Next Meeting
             Annual Fish Fry
Our next regular Club meeting will be held on August 20, at the Salem County  Sportsman's Club and will include our annual fish fry. Cooking will begin at  6 p.m. with the dinner to begin at 7 p.m. 

The fish fry will be held at the pavilion
located approximately 100 yards past the Club House. Members are asked to bring fish that can be cooked, a side dish, or a dessert to this event. Paper goods, cutlery,  and beverages will be provided. Along with fish, hot dogs and chicken will also be offered.

     Club Officers for 2009
President:  Terry Fitzpatrick              Vice -President:  Joe Soma     

Tresurer: Jerry Sanker                 Secretary: Art Ebert